Generally, when one speaks of Abacus, we instantly question the significance and function of a century-old math tool in a child’s academic or analytical growth. If it’s not a part of the syllabus, then why teach it to a child, and does it have any benefits at all? A valid question. The answer to which is YES. The main and most important benefit of the Abacus program is that it enhances brain power and boosts brain skills. Learning Abacus can even upgrade performance in not just Arithmetic, but other subjects too!
Now, let’s understand a bit more.
What is Abacus?
Traders and merchants from Asia and Africa were mainly into using the Abacus method. While it was mainly used in China and Japan, other places like Mesopotamia, Persia, Rome, India, and Greece also used Abacus.
Typically crafted with wood, it comes in various sizes and features a frame that has a series of vertical rods on which beads are allowed to slide up and down. It also features a horizontal beam that divides the frame into an upper and lower deck on which calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can be carried out.

Here are the main benefits of Abacus for kids:
- Concentration and Focus
The process of solving mathematical calculations through the Abacus is known to improve concentration and focus and drown out any distraction occurring in the background.
This is a big bonus in the academic world.
- Boosts Motor Skills
Using an Abacus frame requires the movement of hands and fingers. This movement is especially beneficial for younger children in developing their motor skills as well as stimulating sensory organs that lead to overall development.
- Improves Analytical Skills
On solving the same problem on multiple levels, a child soon figures out the best way to solve a problem. This lays the foundation for good problem-solving and analytical skills that can help children in both personal and academic growth.
- Accuracy and Speed
Abacus can teach kids how to get the best results in the shortest amount of time possible. The situation and the pressure can help in the future, for example, in the case of time-bound competitions and exams.
- Improved Memory
During Abacus training, a child is expected to memorize several images. Upon practice, a child’s capability of memorizing something read or seen improves significantly.
Other than these major benefits learning Abacus also helps arithmetic and mathematical skills, observational skills, confidence, visualization, and overall lay a strong academic foundation for a child.
A child can start learning Abacus as early as when he/she is of age 4 and reap its awesome benefits while learning a new skill that can help both academically and personally.